Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Vote for whoever the f**k you want...

I know I tend to rail against Republicans, especially when I'm at the bar, but I try to keep in mind that anyone can be bought if they're willing to take the money. Sometimes they can even be pressured to take it or fooled into thinking they don't owe anyone any favors in return. If power is shifting over to the Democratic party (and I'm fairly sure it is) you can bet that after all the bitching and moaning and social upheaval, the money will eventually follow them. Special interest groups will painfully peel themselves off Republican asses so they can turn around and start kissing up to the Democrats. And just like any of us, all that kissing up has the potential to influence their actions.

Don't get me wrong. I don't like Republicans. I F**KING HATE Tea Partiers. And I don't even really like Democrats all that much, just a little. I'm throwing my lot in with them, for now, because they haven't suffered as much corporate exposure as the Republicans. Realistically, they are the only party strong enough to challenge the corporate stranglehold on our fractured economy. So this November I'll mark the card in their favor.

Just in case anyone is listening...

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